Won Moon, DMD, MS
- Professor, Department of Orthodontics, Ajou University School of Medicine
- Adjunct Professor, The Forsyth Institute
- Adjunct Professor, Kyung Hee University School of Dentistry
- Former Thomas R. Bales Endowed Chair in Orthodontics, UCLA (2013-2020)
- Founder, the Moon Principles International Research Institute
- Co-Founder, BioTech Innovations
- Diplomate of the American Board of Orthodontics, since 2002
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How to Incorporate Maxillary Skeletal Expander (MSE) in Your Practice Immediately: The Nuts and Bolts of MSE Application
The non-surgical Maxillary Skeletal Expander (MSE) has evolved since 2004, and its application has steadily been growing globally.
With the proliferation of MSE-related publications by multiple authors, there is clear evidence to support its impact.
The essential nuts and bolts of the diagnosis, treatment planning, appliance selection, fabrication, expansion protocols, patient management, and troubleshooting process related to MSE will be highlighted.
Some recent discoveries will be explored with research data. The aim of this presentation is to relay the most practical information for immediate implementation of this novel technique in everyone’s clinical practice.
- Overall concept of MSE, Dx and Tx planning, and patient selection
- Craniofacial vs dentoalveolar changes with MSE
- Proper appliance selection and fabrication
- Optimal activation protocol based on mechanical and biological considerations
- Solution for patients with narrow palates
- Solution for patients requiring multiple MSEs
- Asymmetric patients and asymmetric expansion
- Cortopuncture and MSE for challenging cases
- Combining minor surgical procedure with MSE for even more challenging cases
- MSE and airway changes
- Troubleshooting
在矯正治療領域中牙弓寛度的改變,或者是上頜骨的非手術性擴寬(Change of transverse dimension)是最後一塊版圖,也是近年來很熱門的話題。在各家各派山頭林立的設計中,Professor Won Moon 所發明的MSE顯然是個中翹楚!2017年3月Dr. Moon首度接受我邀請到台灣演講,馬上引起一陣風潮,在同年我到加州大學UCLA參觀其矯正學系也更深入了解Dr. Moon的設計理念。隨後兩年間Dr. Moon也多次在台灣演講及主持 hand on課程。最難能可貴的是內容每次都有新的研究結果和臨床優越的表現佐証。近年來MSE的病例在台灣也累積非常多的成功經驗,也表現出我們對新技術的追求和掌握能力。礙於入境防疫規定嚴格,我們這次只能安排線上演講,內容涵蓋這三年來MSE使用和效果的最新發展,場地安排有300吋的LED大螢幕和階梯式座位,一定令各位聽眾在舒適環境清楚了解演講內容;另外我們邀請MSE經驗豐富的吳錫堯、林毅茹兩位醫師參加最後的panel discussion,相信無論你已經開始MSE還是沒有,一定會期待和滿意這次的演講。
09:00-10:20 |
How to Incorporate Maxillary Skeletal Expander (MSE) in Your Practice Immediately: The Nuts and Bolts of MSE Application |
Dr. Won Moon |
10:20-10:50 |
Break time  |
10:50-11:50 |
How to Incorporate Maxillary Skeletal Expander (MSE) in Your Practice Immediately: The Nuts and Bolts of MSE Application |
Dr. Won Moon |
11:50-12:00 |
討論 |
吳錫堯 醫師 林毅茹 醫師 |
牙醫師 |
NT $2,500 |
康美讀書會/國防校友/TAO、TOS會員 |
NT $2,000 |
受訓醫師/學生 |
NT $1,500 |